Strategic Expansion FundThe Annual Fund

Ensures our ability to function.


In giving to MIU now, you benefit MIU and may also benefit personally or for your company from the temporary increases in tax incentives to donors helping charitable organizations.


There is no better place to show gratitude for Maharishi’s extraordinary programs. I highly recommend giving to MIU to support the TM organization and help further knowledge and evolution in our dear world.
– Tony Warren


I have always wanted only the best for this amazing university. Whether I give money, service to others, or simply a smile and a kind word, I am always thinking, ‘thank you,’ MIU.
– Diane Fenwick


More about the Annual Fund >

Endowment Fund

Ensures our ability to endure.


Why an endowment?

Every private college and university in America relies on an endowment as a permanent bedrock that supports their critical operations—and provides precious fuel for expansion.

Most important, an endowment helps ensure MIU’s long-term viability by providing crucial economic stability in a downturn.

An endowment fulfills this critical need. With the donor’s and trustees’ permission, the University can borrow temporarily against its Endowment to survive the coronavirus pandemic—as well as any future catastrophe.

More about the Endowment Fund >

Planned Giving

Funds the future of the university.


Many people like to support the institutions that mean the most to them with a gift through their will or trust, or other type of planned arrangement. These gifts, known as planned gifts, are usually, though not always, fulfilled upon the person’s passing.

Planned gifts provide a unique opportunity for you to create a lasting legacy.

They provide a way for you to pass on your values – what you have found to be most worthy of preserving for future generations.

Additionally, planned gifts are a way to achieve certain charitable and financial goals, and may yield certain federal tax advantages.


More about Planned Giving >


MIU Foundation Projects

Inspiring Videos

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  • Donor Events
  • Golden Jubilee
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  • MIU Achievements