Last year we received a generous $100,000 grant to launch The Wege Fellowship for the Arts, a new national scholarship program that has proved very successful in attracting outstanding art students. Now that we have such wonderful students, and now that we have such a beautiful Arts Center to house and showcase great art at MIU, now is a perfect time to further enhance and promote our Fine Arts programs.

Below are two modest requests that will substantially enhance MIU’s Arts programs and our reputation and prominence in the broader fine arts community. They will really put MIU and its Fine Arts programs on the map!

A. Host renowned visiting artists and artists-in-residence

      Travel and honorarium:  $ 50,000

B. Curate and host art exhibitions to elevate and enrich our community and the whole of Southeast Iowa

      High-profile arts exhibitions: $75,000

Cost: $125,000

Where we are

$ 101,000


$ 125,000


$ 0

received + pledged

$ 101,000