World Peace Assembly in Kyiv, Ukraine

Dear Friends,

You have all experienced the stress‑relieving benefits of the Transcendental Meditation (TM®) technique in your own lives. Transcending also has a powerful effect on reducing acute societal stress, especially when groups of people practice the advanced TM‑Sidhi® program together. Even a small number of advanced TM practitioners can create a powerful, peaceful impact for entire countries, as this one‑minute clip—with 2.8M Facebook views—explains.

As tensions rise between Russia and Ukraine, the TM organizations in the United States and around the world are working urgently to implement this proven technology of peace to help prevent an escalation in hostilities. We are mobilizing and helping to fund peace‑creating groups in Russia and Ukraine to defuse the acute societal stress that can erupt into conflict: 100 Russian and 100 Ukrainian practitioners of the TM and TM‑Sidhi programs will assemble for large group practice in their respective countries for two months. A group is also mobilizing in Crimea.

The worldwide TM organizations are contributing $150,000 to support 100 volunteer peace‑creators. Your tax‑deductible gift will assist 100 more Russian and Ukrainian volunteers, who will take time away from their families and jobs to play this vital role for their countries—and the world. To make this possible, we need to cover their basic living expenses:

    •    $25 will sponsor 1 volunteer for 1 day.
    •    $175 will sponsor 1 volunteer for 1 week.
    •    $750 will sponsor 1 volunteer for 1 month.
    •    $1,500 will sponsor 1 volunteer for 2 months, or 60 days.

Extensive, well‑controlled research on this Brain‑Based Approach to Peace demonstrates that the square root of 1% of a population experiencing and enlivening Transcendental Consciousness through the TM and advanced TM‑Sidhi programs generates coherence and harmony in collective consciousness. Multiple studies have shown that this effect helps to resolve conflict and improve the quality of life in the population as a whole. This phenomenon is known as the Maharishi Effect, after TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

The square root of 1% of Russia’s population of 144 million is 1,200; for Ukraine’s population of 44 million, it is 700. Our long‑term goal is to fully implement these larger groups. The first crucial step is to immediately establish these two core groups of 100 volunteers each. Given compelling evidence from 40 published studies, we believe these two groups will help defuse tensions in the region.

We welcome your support to help create the
conditions for a peaceful, diplomatic resolution in Russia and Ukraine.
With my thanks for all you are doing to help create peace,

John Hagelin,
National Director, U.S. TM Organization

President, Maharishi International University

International President, Global Union of Scientists for Peace

World Peace Assembly in Russia